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Awards and Projects

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Awards and ProjectsParticipation in 4-H Awards and Projects can earn you Clover Bucks! Clover Bucks is money that can be used towards registration for 4-H events or other 4-H opportunities.

Project Book

Project Books highlight what a 4-H’er has learned and done in a specific project area for a period of 12 months. The books are judged in age categories of: Cloverbud (5-7, not competitive), 8- 10, 11-12, 13-15 and 16-18. They are submitted to the County 4-H office at the end of your 4-H year. The top county winners in each curriculum area are then submitted to Raleigh for district competition. Due to the 4-H Office in January.


This is an accumulation of up to three years of 4-H project work in a major project area. Records are submitted in age categories of 13-15 and 16-18. Due to the 4-H Office in January.

Presentations and 4-H Entertains

This competition allows youth the opportunity to present information by demonstration or illustrated talk for competition. The time limit is generally between 5 and 12 minutes, with specific time regulations in specific categories. Youth present at County Activity Day (May) and can qualify for District Activity Day (June) and State Presentation Finals (July).

4-H Entertains is a talent showcase. This event occurs in conjunction with District Activity Day. Each county may register two acts to perform at District Activity Day. Acts will then be selected to perform at the state talent show at 4-H Congress in July.

Achievement Plan

A program for 4-H members who want to challenge themselves to reach even greater heights through the 4-H program. In this project, youth work through five levels that challenge them to participate in areas of the 4-H program that build leadership and citizenship skills. It is turned into the 4-H Office in January.

Youth can work toward one level each year and can start with their first year in 4-H. They will be recognized with a certificate at Achievement Night for each level.

Application, Interview, Resume, and Essay (AIRE)

A program designed to help older teens prepare for interviews for future careers and scholarships. State winners have opportunities to win trips to National 4-H conferences. Application/Resume due to the 4-H Office by May 1st.

North Carolina 4-H Scholarships

Competitive scholarships are awarded annually by North Carolina 4-H to graduating high school seniors who have excelled within 4-H and in their academics. Applications are due to the 4-H Office in January.

Adreanna is available to assist with all award and project areas! Email her at

Contact Information

If you have questions about any event that you see here, give us a call (704-873-0507) or email (!

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram — @Iredell4H

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For more information and for accommodations for persons with disabilities, contact the N.C. Cooperative Extension, Iredell County Center at 704-873-0507 or email

NC State University and N.C. A&T State University commit themselves to positive action to secure equal opportunity regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, political beliefs, family and marital status, sex, age, veteran status, sexual identity, genetic information or disability. NC State, N.C. A&T, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments cooperating.